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Author Topic: Bought my wife a car
Posts: 26
Post Bought my wife a car
on: December 30, 2024, 20:15

For a long time now, my wife has been asking to buy her a Porsche automobile. And now on her anniversary I decided to make her a surprise. But I would like to somehow deliver the vehicle to our house. What can you tell me?

Posts: 108
Post Re: Bought my wife a car
on: December 30, 2024, 20:18

In principle, I think it is not a big problem. At least you can just drive the new car to your house yourself. Or, you can use the services of a company that deals with luxury car shipping. Alternatively, you can try going to the link https://www.advancedautobrokerllc.com/luxury-car-transportation. I am sure it is the best option you can find.

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