Fast Traffic Trader 2 requirements:
- PHP version 5.2 and up
- MySQL Server version 4.1.x and up.
- PHP Safe mode should be turned Off
- allow_url_fopen php setting should be On
- PHP zlib extension
- PHP gd extension (only if you want to use thumb toplist feature with automatic thumb grabbing from traders and for captcha on signup page)
- PHP dom extension (included by default in php5)
- PHP ctype extension (included by default in php5)
- Modern browser for accessing admin interface. If you use IE6 or IE7, please, upgrade to IE8. Recommended browsers for admin interface are Firefox,Google Chrome, Opera.
No Zend Optimizer or Ioncube required. So you can use php cache extensions like XCache or eAccelerator to achive even more performance.
Also it’s tested to work under Windows ( with Apache2 + PHP5 + MySQL5 )