In case of irregularities in menstrual cycles, a medical consultation is recommended. To regularize the effective periods, one can adopt effective and helpful natural remedies. Some of these natural remedies:
1. Avoid the intake of diets which are of high calorie as well as high in carbohydrate. Increase the intake of good diet which includes lots of fruits and vegetables. Some of the ideal foods which are responsible for eliminating the problem of irregular menstrual cycles are bitter gourd, snake gourd, pumpkin, drumsticks, dates, papaya and cucumber. Intake of junk and processed foods must be completely avoided.
2. Foods which are rich in iron like spinach, lettuce, broccoli, apple etc are very effective in treating the problem of irregular menses. It helps in regularizing menstrual periods as well as in reducing anemia.
3. In treating the problem of menstrual 【月經量多】月經過多三大特徵- 如何診斷及治療? disorders, asafetida is widely used. Take one teaspoon of warm butter and add one-fourth teaspoon of asafetida. Fry this mixture for ten minutes. Take this mixture with buttermilk or soups. It is an effective remedy for treating the problem of irregular menstrual cycle.
4. For treating the problem of irregular menstrual cycle, you can prepare a mixture of mint powder and one teaspoonful of honey. You can take this mixture at least 2-3 times a day.