FTT2 Affiliate program

We are happy to give you opportunity to earn some serious money with recommending Fast Traffic Trader 2 to other webmasters!

We are offering you 2-tier affiliate program with following percentages:

1-tier webmaster ( reffered by you ):  20% of money spent by webmaster on licenses.
2-tier webmaster ( reffered by webmaster reffered by you ): 5% of money spent by webmaster on licenses.

So, for example, you reffered 5 webmasters, each of them bought 1 license ( 5 licenses * $200 = $1000 ), you got $200 (20%) for that. And each of that 5 webmasters referred 5 webmasters each of them bought 1 license. So, you get 5*5*200*0.05 = $250. So, by referring 5 webmasters, you got a total of $450! You can spend that money on FTT2 licenses or get the cash .You can get the cash by paxum, paypal or webmoney.

You can promote FTT2 as you like, except SPAM and false advertising! Accounts caught spamming will be terminated and all money will be forfeited.
Also you cannot refer yourself.

Your link to ftt2.com with your ID shown in member’s section.

And by the way, even just using FTT2 without special linking to FTT2 website you can earn money, becouse on trade signup page there is a link to FTT2 website with your ID, so everyone, who signups through this link becomes reffered by you!


  1. valery says:

    Здравствуйте! Простите, а ключ надо куда нибудь прописывать? Имеется ввиду free ключ. Как то на форуме мало информации по этому поводу. Да и вообще, кажеться незуслуженно обойден вниманием сам скрипт, при его обсуждении.

  2. Admin says:

    нет, не надо

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